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What we can improve

Autism is a neuro-developmental disorder that often appears before the age of three years. Although no treatment exists to date, several research groups are interested in better understanding the neurological mechanisms of pathology and thanks to quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG), there has been great progress over the past decade.

What happens at the brain level:

Many clinicians have used EEG-based interventions as a therapeutic strategy. In this, Neurofeedback has shown promising results in terms of improving quality of life for people with autism as well as those around them.

What we train WITH Neurofeedback

According to a controlled study by Jarusiewicz in 20021, children who have followed a Neurofeedback training have seen the following improvements:

Improvement of sociability
Improvement in language and communication
Improvement of health
Improvement in cognitive and sensory arousal
results that can be observed
  • Reduction of symptoms
  • Improvement of sociability
  • Increased cognitive awakening
  • Language improvement
  • Better communication

Another study conducted by Pinda in 20122 shows significant improvements, following 30 30-minute sessions in Neurofeedback. Parents reported a significant reduction in symptoms as measured by the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC), in addition to a 40% improvement in cognitive and sensory awareness.

Coben and Padlolsky also conducted a study in 20073 to measure the effect of 20 sessions of Neurofeedback with a protocol aimed at decreasing hyperconnectivity between certain regions of the brain. The parents then noticed an 89% improvement in symptoms and a 40% reduction in the ATEC score.

Of course, you should not see Neurofeedback as a treatment for people with autism, but the results obtained to improve their condition are certainly encouraging.

1. Efficacy of Neurofeedback for Children in the Autistic Spectrum: A Pilot Study
Betty Jarusiewicz PhD

2. Self-regulation of brain oscillations as a treatment for aberrant brain connections in children with autism
J.A. Pineda ⇑, A. Juavinett, M. Datko

3. Assessment-Guided Neurofeedback for Autistic Spectrum Disorder Journal of Neurotherapy 11(1):5-23 · June 2007

If you are considering starting a neurofeedback process with us, either for yourself or for someone living with autism, we kindly ask you to carefully read the following before booking your free consultation.

We would like to share some essential information to ensure your session runs smoothly:

  1. Ability to remain seated: It is important to be able to sit comfortably for a period of 45 minutes.
  2. Acceptance of wearing the helmet: Please be aware that wearing the helmet is necessary. If you have concerns about hypersensitivity or the gel, do not hesitate to let us know.
  3. Collaboration with the trainer: The ability to stay alone with the trainer is essential to ensure an optimal experience.
  4. Tolerance for frustration: Please note that interruptions may occur, such as the video stopping. The ability to tolerate such frustrations is important.
  5. Understanding and following instructions: It is crucial to be able to understand and follow the instructions given during the session.
  6. Respect for the equipment: To ensure the safety and proper functioning of the equipment, we kindly ask that you do not touch the materials without permission.

If your answer is yes to all these questions, we will be able to assist you, and we will be happy to accompany you throughout your journey.

Thank you for your understanding, and we invite you to book a free consultation with one of our advisors for further steps.

The services offered are reimbursed by several insurance companies.
You have questions?

Le trouble du déficit de l’attention avec ou sans hyperactivité (TDA/TDAH) est une condition neurodéveloppementale complexe qui toucherait 5 à 8 % des enfants. Il peut être décrit par une panoplie de symptômes liés à des dysfonctions ou à une pauvre maturation des lobes frontaux.

What are the symptoms of autism?

The symptoms of ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) are diverse and varied. Symptoms often appear early in childhood. However, this neurodevelopmental condition can be diagnosed later in adulthood for individuals who have managed to function adequately despite their differences.

In Toddlers

At this age, a child with autism may suffer from symptoms such as a lack of babbling or eye contact. Other signs may also indicate this condition:

  • More interest in objects than people
  • No apparent reaction to hearing or listening when spoken to
  • Does not play with toys like other children

Repetitive movements with limbs, flapping, head or body rocking, as well as a halt in language development progression or loss of previously acquired skills, may alert caregivers and professionals to the presence of Autism Spectrum Disorder.

In Early Childhood

A child with ASD may exhibit the following symptoms at this age:

  • No interest in other children
  • Problematic behaviours for parents (very withdrawn child or prone to tantrums)
  • Excessive repetition of words and phrases (echolalia)

Hypersensitivity to sound, touch, or visual stimuli

It is also possible for their interests to be restricted, and they may have particular eating preferences.

Common Symptoms in Autistic Individuals, Regardless of Age

An autistic brain possesses three characteristics, whether the condition is visible or not:

  • It requires concrete and pragmatic information to engage and take initiative. It may need external cues to function.
  • Therefore, it needs help with abstraction, making social interactions challenging. Individuals with autism find it hard to decode implicit information in conversations and may seem out of sync or awkward in social contexts.
  • Finally, they may have difficulty recalling information in real time or processing information, even in verbal descriptions of events. The brain struggles to process self-associated information in real time. This is why many autistic individuals respond with “I don’t know” when asked a personal question. This may erroneously lead to the belief that individuals with autistic thought structures lack emotions.

Diagnostic Evaluation

The diagnosis of ASD is not within Neuroperforma’s areas of expertise. If you have concerns or notice specific symptoms of autism, do not hesitate to discuss them with a healthcare professional (physician, neuropsychologist). If a close relative has just been diagnosed with autism, do not delay in making an appointment with a specialist.

Since diagnoses of autism spectrum disorder are not made through physiological medical tests like blood tests, healthcare professionals must study certain elements:

  • Intellectual capacity
  • Communication skills
  • Interactions (with other children or the rest of the population if it is an adult)
  • Overall development, etc.

To conduct this research, healthcare professionals collaborate with other specialists (pediatricians, psychiatrists, psychologists, speech therapists, etc.). This ensures that their assessment of ASD is as comprehensive as possible. We encourage you to take photographs, record videos, or keep a journal of your observations and concerns that you can show to an expert during the evaluation.

By offering neurofeedback sessions in our clinics, we improve the health and quality of life of people with autism. Parents of individuals who have undergone our training program report a reduction in their symptoms and improvements in their language and sociability.


There is no cure for autism. However, behavioural and developmental therapies can reduce ASD symptoms and improve the health and quality of life of the individual.

No single cause of autism has been identified to date. Various professionals consider environmental, social, hereditary, and nutritional factors, but there is currently no consensus.

Families must show empathy, educate themselves about autism spectrum disorder to better understand it, and be attentive to their loved one’s needs. The key to success is learning to deal with differences and approaching this different perception of the world with openness and discovery.

An individual with autism spectrum disorder is vulnerable to experiencing stress, confusion, and depressive feelings daily. They may experience isolation and have difficulty maintaining healthy employment or social relationships due to misunderstandings from those around them.

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