What we can improve
When a person has difficulty with their attention span or concentration, this may be associated with non-optimal functioning of certain regions and / or networks of the brain. Before starting Neurofeedback training, it is necessary to measure brain activity as a whole in order to target areas or connections that may contribute to the symptoms that occur during ADD / ADHD.
Many brain regions and networks may be involved in people with attention difficulties. For example, frontal lobes working slower than they should can lead to difficulties in planning, organizing, concentrating, and performing multiple tasks simultaneously.
On the other hand, a sustained attention network with deviations from the norm could explain why someone would have difficulty staying focused on a specific task or conversation. They could also have trouble maintaining their attention while reading or while in class.
In people who are easily distracted by surrounding stimuli, whether through noises or moving things, the network of divided attention can present deviations in the context where the brain would have difficulty processing multiple information simultaneously and thus, leave one task to be able to do another.
Sometimes, when we perform the qEEG, we notice that the attention networks do not present large deviations, but that the anxiety circuit is highly hyperactive. Elevated anxiety could then explain the attention difficulties. In such a case, the neuropsychologist could recommend Neurofeedback training to reduce anxiety.
Based on the analysis of the qEEG corroborated with the different elements identified during a clinical evaluation interview with the client, the neuropsychologist will determine the networks (and regions) of the brain to train in order to improve the associated condition. Subsequently, one or more circuits can potentially be trained, whether it be sustained attention, divided attention, working memory or executive functions. When a person also has associated conditions such as anxiety or learning disabilities, additional circuits can then be trained in addition to specifically target these functions.
- Improvements in concentration
- Better reading comprehension
- A larger capacity for organization
Neurofeedback is now ranked as a Level 5 intervention. The highest level of effectiveness according to the “Evidence-based Practice in Neurofeedback and Biofeedback 2023” reference guide.
It has been shown that the benefits obtained with Neurofeedback are usually long-lasting and even that optimized brain capabilities continue to improve in the months following the end of Neurofeedback trainings.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a complex neurodevelopmental condition that affects 5 to 8% of children. It can be described by various symptoms related to dysfunction or poor maturation of the frontal lobes.

What are the symptoms of ADHD?
This mental health disorder can take three distinct forms. ADHD is the predominantly inattentive type of attention deficit disorder. It is characterized by an excessive tendency to be distracted, such as significant slowness during the execution of intellectual or routine tasks.
ADHD is a predominantly hyperactive-impulsive type of ADHD characterized by high motor or mental agitation and/or disproportionate impulsivity. It also includes a lack of inhibition. ADHD is a type of attention deficit disorder present in both adults and children. It is characterized by inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity. ADHD is said to be the most common form among North American school-aged children.
ADHD can manifest in several ways:
- hyperactivity,
- problems with concentration,
- attention deficit,
- problems with planning and organization,
- impulsivity and mental (incessant and rapid flow of thoughts) or physical (fidgeting) agitation.
Symptoms of ADHD may appear in early childhood. However, it is during school age that the majority of parents will seek help for this mental health disorder. At school, a child may have difficulty concentrating on tasks, staying seated for several hours, following multiple instructions, etc.
ADHD can be diagnosed if symptoms occur in childhood before the age of 12, persist for more than 6 months, and affect academic learning, quality of life, and represent a significant handicap for the child.
Diagnostic evaluation of ADHD
Diagnosing ADHD is not straightforward, and there is no medical test that can accurately do so. The healthcare professional, notably the neuropsychologist, who diagnoses ADHD conducts a comprehensive evaluation of the child and their environment. This specialist may consider several elements:
- the child’s development since birth,
- their behavior at home, school, and elsewhere,
- their symptoms (intensity and duration),
- and their difficulties at school or in task execution.
To determine if a child has ADHD, the neuropsychologist or other qualified professional may use behavioral criteria developed by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition, as well as psychometric tools. Psychological and neuropsychological tests can also help diagnose ADHD.
Note: Electroencephalography (EEG) can help specify profiles of electrical activity in the brain that may cause problems with executive functions (concentration, attention, planning, organization, impulsivity, and mental or physical agitation). However, EEG does not in any way diagnose ADHD.
When a child has attention or concentration problems, it may be due to suboptimal functioning of certain regions of the brain. Through neurofeedback, symptoms of ADHD can be progressively reduced. It is based on operant conditioning treatment, allowing the brain to identify optimal electrical functions and correct them.
Neurofeedback allows your brain to regain optimal functioning and improve your behaviours and skills in your daily life. Neuroperforma has state-of-the-art equipment to reduce symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Your professional will offer you regular sessions for lasting results.
Medication (psychostimulants) may be necessary to reduce symptoms. There are also other natural methods, such as meditation and learning effective work and organization strategies. One can mention the book “My Brain Needs Glasses” (for children and adults).
The difference between the two is that ADD is a condition involving only attention difficulties without the presence of physical and mental hyperactivity. In contrast, ADHD is attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Children with ADHD are generally perceived as individuals who are bursting with energy, fidgety, and intense or impulsive.
At home, children with ADHD often have anger outbursts, which creates significant tensions within the family. ADD children, on the other hand, are usually moody and have difficulty getting started on tasks. Homework time can be challenging for the child and their parents. At school, children with ADHD or ADD are at risk of having learning difficulties in reading and completing tasks. They may face failure if not promptly addressed. Therefore, ADHD negatively affects the school, social, and family life of those who suffer from it.
Children from families with this disorder are likely to develop related symptoms.